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NMPD Showcase 2021

Marketing Design & Concept

The images below were part of a school project to create a marketing campaign for the NMPD Showcase 2021. I focused my campaign on Instagram and Facebook. The call to action was for people to follow the hashtag #nmpforindustry and the NMPD for industry accounts on social media.

The image on the left is simple and informative and allows viewers to easily and intuitively click on the profile name or the hashtag to find out more information. Once on the @nmpdforindustry account page, users can explore posts that feature students and alumni from the NMPD program as shown on the right.


This assignment took some time to create ideas and a solid call to action. I focused this campaign to online platforms as that’s how the majority of people are finding information. More work was put into the explanation process as to why and how users will interact with the campaign than the designs. The hashtag is catchy and the colors are bright with an endearing design to grab the attention of fast scrollers.